Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wayward Cucumbers

When I planted my tiny plot earlier this spring I tried to use as much foresight as possible regarding placement, considering height, sun needs, etc.  But being an inexperienced gardener I made mistakes and my tiny plot isn't perfect.  I had relocated my cukes next to the bendy wooden low trellis-y thing I'd bought to separate my plot from my neighbor's, thinking they could use that to climb.  Here it is behind the winebox plants:

Instead the cukes grew in the opposite direction, winding their young vines around their eggplant neighbors.  So I unwrapped them as gingerly as possible and attached them with twist ties to chopsticks I stuck into the soil.

I know this is ghetto and I know it can't last.  This would be optimal but as I have neither the space nor ingenuity, but mostly the space, I'm going to have to play the cucumber situation by ear. It all depends how much they grow, in what direction, etc.  But ideally I'd rather have my guys climb a tall fence.  That's why I've asked my gardening club about switching plots, since they're making more and it would be better if I had one by a fence so I am not shading someone else's plot.  

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