Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eggplants and Other Goodies

Rain again this morning.  Yay!
It's so hot and muggy out that once I get home and turn on the AC I don't want to go back out again.  So on my way home from hand therapy, I stopped by the garden to see if I had enough motion to open that devil lock and check on my eggplants.  Maybe it was the therapy, maybe it's the humidity that lubricated the lock but it opened surprisingly easily and I was in!

Like I said before, there are some among my fellow gardeners who may not be as respectful of others' plots as the rest of us are so I was 50/50 on expecting to see my eggplants still there.  To my surprise, all three were, and absolutely adorable!  I don't love the quality of these pics because my iPhone tends to take hazy pictures on overcast days but it'll do for now.

This is the first one to have come out.  It's sagging the whole plant down from its weight and barely off the ground.

The baby!

There's another one that's banana shaped and a lot paler in color but it's really hard to snap because it's under a tangle of cuke vines.  Speaking of cukes, they're out of control, even encroaching on my neighbor's plot.  (I sent him an email letting him I know about it but can't get it it now because of my hand.)  Unfortunately, I can't find the little cuke I saw over weekend that my mother pointed out.  Wonder if someone snapped it off.

And here's a nice little surprise.  A strawberry that was allowed to grow!  Maybe it's because it's hidden under leaves.  I found it by accident then quickly covered it back up after I took my picture.

A mess of neglected coriander seeds intermingling with chives and basil all under the shade of perilla leaves.

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