Thursday, July 29, 2010


So after way too much back and forth than there needed to be I am switching to a different plot.  I didn't get my first choice - as it turned out to be a highly coveted spot and I was the second to request a switch and not the first as I had thought, it went to someone else.  But mine is the one next to it and upon further examination, I think it might actually be better.

The summer weeds are out of control so I have a lot of work ahead of me to clear my new plot:

It's hard to even make out where my plot ends and the next one begins from this picture.  It's completely covered with weeds and why no one announced the availability of the new area months ago when I saw it laid with topsoil and marked off I'll never know.  Annoyance aside, I'm just not sure how I'm going to get through all this with my wonky hand.  Here's the new plot from a different angle although I don't know how much of a better idea it gives of its size and location than the first one:

My tiny plot won't look like this for much longer:

View from the other side, photo a bit overexposed:

Several good things about the new plot:
1. More sun!  Not much more, maybe a couple of hours, but it's something!  Yay!
2. Tiny bit larger, I think.  The measurements were given by a committee member but I should go down there with a tape measure and see for myself.
3. Two points of access to the plot.  By that I mean, when the committee divided up the original garden, they didn't mark off where the footpaths were going to be and told people after they planted to make room.  Some did, some didn't, then they abandoned the plan altogether.  So for my square plot, I have only one point of access.  That means it's hard to reach my basil and some eggplants because I put them all the way in the back to get the most sun.  This time, the committee blocked off a footpath running down the middle so there are two points of access - from the main concrete path and the new footpath.
4. I've learned from my mistakes.  While it's really best to leave the plants alone for the rest of the season instead of digging them up, at least now I know how big they're going to grow next year and space them out better.
5. No more being neighbors with the person who keeps putting rocks on my side of the plot.

Why?  I don't see any rocks lining his/her side.  Whenever I see them, I just remove them.  They reappeared today.

Not really sure when I'm moving.  Of course, I'd like to postpone it until the end of summer.  The switchers don't have to uproot until their old plot is selected for a newcomer on the waiting list.  I haven't received any news about my plot being reassigned so everything stays put until then.

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