Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Two Weeks Later

So I'm doing hand therapy now to get back full motion in my hand.  I'm not there yet but the dorsal side is looking pretty good:

My hand is still a little weak and there are things I can't do, such as open the devil lock on the garden fence.  Friday night I showed a couple of friends my tiny plot and I needed help opening and closing it. Over the weekend my mom came over and she helped me water.  I'd been duped repeatedly by incorrect weather forecasts, getting my hopes up and then being disappointed by the promise of rain.  So my poor little ones were really parched when my mother came to the rescue.  My basil has flowered, which I really need to snip but can't manoeuver a scissor terribly precisely.

I keep forgetting to snap pics so take my word for it when I tell you that my little baby eggplant now has two friends growing alongside it!  And finally, FINALLY, there is a teeny cucumber growing between a vine and bright yellow flower!  The perilla just looked saggy, needing water to perk up.

And speaking of perilla, I babysat for Christine Sunday and her perilla were looking a bit on the small side, but that's because she's got them all bunched up in a terracotta pot.  Still, they are tough fighters and I expect hers will be about my size in a couple of weeks.  Wish I'd taken a pic so I could show you a side-by-side comparison.  She's also got a great tomato plant she'd been ignoring, so although there were quite a few brown leaves, we were able to pick a skirt full of bright red berries that were tart and super juicy fresh.  Wish I could grow tomatoes.

Finally, it's pouring right now.  Yay!

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